
Top 10 Best Sofa Beds

Top 10 Best Sofa beds to Buy Online in 2020

When thinking of sofa bed, often the first thing that comes to mind is an uncomfortable and ugly couch. This was even true in the past, but the good news is that times have changed! Currently there are comfortable sofa beds, beautiful, good quality and very reasonable prices in the market. There are also several sizes: armchair style, with two, three or four seats, double and single.

However, buying a sofa bed not an easy task. You need to consider size, design, structure, fabric, color and various other things. There are also several brands such as Matrix, Sofani Empire and much more! For you do not get lost with so many options, we have prepared a complete guide to choosing the ideal sofa bed and a ranking of the best 2018 sofa beds!

How to Choose the Best Sofa Bed

Increasingly multifunctional and convenient, every year new models of sofa bed come on the market. On the one hand is great news, on the other, the increasing amount of options makes the choice much harder, is not it? To make things easier, we’ll give you some tips and highlight the points you should keep in mind when buying the perfect sofa for you!

Set the Space Intended for Your Sofa Bed

Top 10 Best Sofa Beds To Buy Online In 2020

Let’s start from the beginning. Before you decide which couch to buy, it is essential to determine where you will place it. This is because it is necessary to make sure not only that the mobile will fit properly in the space, but also that remain adequate space for the movement after installation of the couch. It indicates that there is a gap of at least 45 cm between the couch and other furniture.

Also, you must verify that the mobile will be able to get to the desired location. So check from the door of the size of your home to the elevator the size of the building and stairs! As the sofa bed is a mobile that fulfills two functions, sofa and bed. To avoid surprises when it comes to open it at home, you also need to check the sofa size when open on the bed function.

Choose Thinking about the number of people who Iran Use

Top 10 Best Sofa Beds To Buy Online In 2020

Choose your sofa bed thinking about how many people would that fit in it. Do you want a sofa bed just for you? For sporadic visits? For holidays in family? Sofa beds exist in the market of various sizes and you will come across models for singles, couples and even for the whole family.

The sofa bed for singles is ideal as a complement to your room or for small apartments, but it is not interesting for those who receive many visits during the year. Already the models couples are good for entertaining and great for those who want to use them as bed every day, being a versatile model for living room or to your room.

Finally, the models for the family hold up to three adults, but as they tend to be very large, are expensive and take up much space.

For More Comfort, Check the backrest height and seat to Choose

Sofa beds with higher backrests provide comfortable feeling for longer, so prefer restraints that when sitting, to accommodate the height of his neck. Typically, the ideal height is about 45 cm. Be aware of also the depth of the sofa (seat size) that must be at least 56 cm so that you can sit comfortably.

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If the seat is too low it will be difficult to get up and down. Therefore, the seat height should be between 35 cm and 50 cm. This height allows most adults remain seated touching the feet on the ground, which brings more comfort. Remember that for the sofa bed is comfortable also in bed function, the ideal is to choose a mobile that measures between 1.80 and 2.20 cm when expanded.

However, there are alternative models of sofa bed that do not meet these standards, but can be interesting depending on your style!

Check Opening Type to Choose

The sofa beds have 3 types of mechanisms to switch between functions and sofa bed: the drawer style, folding style (or futon) and the open style (or 180). Below, we highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Top 10 Best Sofa Beds To Buy Online In 2020

The drawer style is one that has handles to open the bed, which is stored in a manner similar to a drawer. The sofa bed this style tend to be cheaper and more compact. However, when opened on the bed function, they have cracks and splits in the middle that can be a nuisance at bedtime.

Regarding space, sofas with opening drawer style may be impractical if the person has a coffee table in the living room, since you always need to move the coffee table in time to turn the sofa into bed.

Top 10 Best Sofa Beds To Buy Online In 2020

Folding in style, also known as the futon-style bed is folded inside or outside the mobile to turn it into a sofa. Most models do not have cracks, which makes the mobile very comfortable. It is well suited if you want to use it to sleep every day.

However, as the drawer model, it can be quite inconvenient if you have a coffee table. As to transform the sofa into bed, you need to move it every time.

The Open style or 180 is a model that has won plenty of space in the Brazilian market. This sofa bed model the backrest can be reclined completely, turning it in the other half of the bed.

By recline, it is not recommended wedge it on the wall or put other furniture behind him. If you do, you need to move the sofa whenever you turn it into bed. However, this is undoubtedly the most practical model on the market!

Choose Fabric Considering Functionality

The sofa fabric is not just a matter of design and style. It also influences your comfort and convenience. There are more pleasant to the touch fabrics and easier to clean than others, for example. We will present the most common in the Brazilian market and its main characteristics.

Most likely you have had, have or know someone who has a couch with this fabric. Being cheap and durable is undoubtedly the first choice of many people. In addition, the soft touch makes it very comfortable. The biggest disadvantage of this type of fabric is that they tend to score highly, and being permeable, can stain easily.

They are a good choice for homes without children or pets. However, it is possible to have a suede sofa and prevent staining caused by minor accidents to your children or pet, just hire a waterproofing service upholstery! It will be an extra expense, but you can avoid many problems.

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Though a bit more expensive, they are more comfortable than the suede. Sofa bed with this tissue tend to be super stylish and combine with all kinds of decor. However, dirty very easily, accumulate dust and are difficult to clean.

For very allergic and no time to cleanups people, this may not be the best option. Not to mention that the ideal is to keep children and pets well away from this type of sofa. However, in this fabric it is also possible to carry out the sealing procedure.

The most common synthetic fibers are leather and courino (synthetic leather). All have good degree of sealing, being a good choice for those who enjoy cleaning. They are also recommended for those with small children, because little accidents with water or drinks will not cause damage to the couch. However, we must keep it away from the colored pens, so be careful!

This kind of fabric is not very pleasant to the touch, not as comfortable as the suede and velvet. In addition, leather options and courino tend to warm the body and can be very uncomfortable for hot cities.

D28 or D33 prefer Foams

Top 10 Best Sofa Beds To Buy Online In 2020

The higher the density the more rigid and durable sofa it will be. Sofa very low density foams tend to deform with time. The most frequent sofas for sale in Brazil has foams with density D23, D26, D28 or D33. The D23 and D26 are super soft foams, the D28 is a good middle ground and D33 are firm, but not uncomfortable.

In the case of sofa beds, especially if you are using the sofa as a bed every day, it is best to prefer foams with D28 or D33 density, as well as being more durable, are also more beneficial to the health of your spine. However, if you use the sofa as a bed only to receive sporadic visits, no problem choose a model with D26 foam. Just avoid sofas with D23 foam in the seat.

Prefer neutral colors in the Choose Time

As the sofa is one of the furniture in the living room larger, it is best to choose a model with neutral colors because they are more versatile. Prefer colors like black, cream, gray or navy because they go well with any decor. Thus, even if you change your home or decide to paint the walls, your sofa will continue in harmony with the environment.

However, if you love colors and prints, no problem! There are several options on the market that can suit your profile. Another option is to follow the tips we give at the end of this article, and customize your neutral sofa with cushions and colorful blankets.

Finally, remember that white sofas or very light dirty more easily and need to be washed often, then consider this too!

Top 10 Best Sofa beds to Buy Online

Now we give you some tips on what you should take into consideration when buying your sofa bed, we present the ranking of the top 10 models available to buy online. Try to remember everything we say here and find the ideal sofa bed!

Comparison table of the Best Sofa Bed


Sofa Bed Murilo couple

Sofa Bed Space Velvet

Tal Transform the look of Your Sofa Bed?

As you saw, one sofa bed can have different sizes, colors and prints. You can choose a flat model, a neutral color, a bright color, a print model and so on. An interesting tip is that when choosing your model, keep in mind that you can put pillows and blankets turning your sofa bed completely!

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You can play with the colors of your sofa bed! Most likely it will be the central piece of furniture in your living room or your bedroom, so customize it with cushions and blankets can be a good option to give your personality to it.

The blankets leave the sofa with personality and most charming, and extremely versatile. There are blankets of all kinds of materials, colors and patterns can be used in many ways! Besides being a great decoration, also help maintain clean upholstery. You do not need to change the sofa bed if you want to renew your room decor! The blankets can make all the difference!

The pads can leave the most fun and colorful environment, or even more sophisticated and elegant. In addition, the cushions can serve as pillows for you or your guests!

Pillows with neutral tones are easier to harmonize with the sofa bed and the decoration of furniture and objects from the environment. But colorful cushions bring joy to the environment, giving a completely different look to your space! You can still buy cushion covers forever change you want and renew the environment decoration!

What’s up? You could decide?

When choosing your sofa bed you have to think not only in their functionality and aesthetics, but also your comfort. Keep in mind your priorities!

It may be your first time buying a sofa bed, but probably will not be your last time. He will be part of your home for at least a few years and perhaps decades! When buying your sofa bed, remember the points we list it will be easier to hit in your choice!

James L is Ethan's younger brother. He is 27 years old and has always looked up to his older brother, admiring his intelligence and drive. Growing up, James was a good student, but he was more interested in sports and physical activities than…

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